The olive-tree[1] of India is unproductive, with the sole
exception of the wild olive. In every part we meet with trees
that bear pepper,[2] very similar in appearance to our junipers,
although, indeed, it has been alleged by some authors that they
only grow on the slopes of Caucasus which lie exposed to the
sun. The seeds, however, differ from those of the juniper, in
being enclosed in small pods similar to those which we see in
the kidney-bean. These pods are picked before they open,
and when dried in the sun, make what we call "long pepper."
But if allowed to ripen, they will open gradually, and when
arrived at maturity, discover the white pepper; if left exposed to the heat of the sun, this becomes wrinkled, and changes
its colour. Even these productions, however, are subject to
their own peculiar infirmities, and are apt to become blasted
by the inclemency of the weather; in which case the seeds
are found to be rotten, and mere husks. These abortive seeds are
known by the name of "bregma," a word which in the Indian
language signifies "dead." Of all the various kinds of pepper,
this is the most pungent, as well as the very lightest, and is
remarkable for the extreme paleness of its colour. That which
is black is of a more agreeable flavour; but the white pepper
is of a milder quality than either.
The root of this tree is not, as many persons have imagined,
the same as the substance known as zimpiberi, or, as some call
it, zingiberi, or ginger, although it is very like it in taste.
For ginger, in fact, grows in Arabia and in Troglodytica, in
various cultivated spots, being a small plant[3] with a white
root. This plant is apt to decay very speedily, although it is
of intense pungency; the price at which it sells is six denarii
per pound. Long pepper is very easily adulterated with
Alexandrian mustard; its price is fifteen denarii per pound,
while that of white pepper is seven, and of black, four. It is
quite surprising that the use of pepper has come so much into
fashion, seeing that in other substances which we use, it is
sometimes their sweetness, and sometimes their appearance that
has attracted our notice; whereas, pepper has nothing in it
that can plead as a recommendation to either fruit or berry, its
only desirable quality being a certain pungency; and yet it is
for this that we import it all the way from India! Who was
the first to make trial of it as an article of food? and who, I
wonder, was the man that was not content to prepare himself
by hunger only for the satisfying of a greedy appetite? Both
pepper and ginger grow wild in their respective countries, and
yet here we buy them by weight—just as if they were so
much gold or silver. Italy,[4] too, now possesses a species of
pepper-tree, somewhat larger than the myrtle, and not very
unlike it. The bitterness of the grains is similar to that which
we may reasonably suppose to exist in the Indian pepper
when newly gathered; but it is wanting in that mature flavour which the Indian grain acquires by exposure in the sun,
and, consequently, bears no resemblance to it, either in colour
or the wrinkled appearance of the seeds. Pepper is adulterated
with juniper berries, which have the property, to a marvellous
degree, of assuming the pungency of pepper. In reference to
its weight, there are also several methods of adulterating it.